This is aCOMTECe

“United we stand, divided we fall.”
We chose to unite.
aCOMTECe means “to happen” and stands for COM = communication; tece = text and TEC = technology.
It is where Linguistics, Information Science, Computer Science, Social Sciences and Humanities come together to tackle today’s scientific research problems.

We are a group of scientists led by Professor Rosana Ferrareto, PhD, from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (IFSP), based in São João da Boa Vista, Brazil. aCOMTECe comprises faculty members, students and former students who are linguists, computer scientists and communication professionals.

What unites us is the urge to conduct world class research in Linguistics by combining computer-assisted data processing and analysis. We are also committed to education and provide scientific communication training to IFSP alumni as well as to students of other institutions within our country.

aCOMTECe has three branches: technology, education and communication.



The technology crew is in charge of searching and providing theoretical advances and tech tools to support our research. They’re active contributors of the @redhenlab, led by Professor Mark Turner, Phd, from Case Werstern Reserve Univestity, in Cleveland, Ohio, in the USA. They are lead developers of the Basic Text Pipeline.



The education crew is responsible for translating knowledge into teaching materials and courses for scientific communication. The hub for their products is the Laletec Project.


The communication crew takes care of the public relations of aCOMTECe and establishes a link between hardcore science and the community. They manage our LinkedIn and Instagram profiles and keep our websites up and running.

Missão, visão e valores



Garantir que a produção, a comunicação e a difusão da ciência aCOMTEÇam a partir da educação. Educar cientistas, fazendo da pesquisa e da escrita como processo de aprendizagem um método de partilha do que foi produzido, estimulando a formação de novos pesquisadores.


Educar cientistas para a vida.
Incluir a ciência no cotidiano da sociedade, propiciando à pesquisa aCOMTECer da
educação infantil à pós-graduação.


Integração, Colaboratividade,
Autonomia, Empatia, Inovação,

Conheça nosso primeiro livro

Linguística Cognitiva e Comunicação Científica: questões teóricas, pedagógicas e tecnológicas

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